Operating Companies

ESG & Sustainability Business Challenges
Operating companies need to report ESG & sustainability data to share with their various stakeholders, which comes with a range of challenges.

Inaccurate and Time Consuming Reports

Annual ESG & sustainability reports, frameworks like GRI, SASB, regulatory reports like SEC, CSDR, and responding to LPs

  • Reporting needs include annual ESG & sustainability reports, regulatory reports and responses to surveys for investors
  • Report production has been mostly manual exercise with a lot of human error, or expensive consultants
  • Formula for rolling up ESG & sustainability metrics from sites/facilities/departments to company level is a challenge due to the range of metric types
  • Supports standards-based catalogs – SASB, GRI, CDP, DJSI, MSCI, TCFD, CSDR and more!

Data Collection

Data Collection from various departments and sites is usually a manual and messy exercise with “Maniac Spreadsheets”

  • Limited control over the response type from various sites/departments (e.g., Gender ratio responses received in formats of 0.5, 1/ 2, 50%, 1:2, etc. – making it hard to aggregate data)
  • Collect data from hundreds of facilities, locations, warehouses, and buildings is a challenge
  • Data quality across various departments/sites and its aggregation is challenging
    Data is inaccurate, sometimes with wild variations
  • Most sites & departments might not have the tools to respond, so they simply respond with no data

Evolving ESG & Sustainability

If you are starting out, first, you must figure out what metrics you must capture for your company

  • Questions, surveys, and regulations change from year to year, so questions are changing as well
  • The metrics across all sub-verticals could be different based on their area of focus within your company
  • Year over Year, the data keeps changing, and the questions keep changing, so comparing is near impossible


Auditors need to provide assurance on your ESG & sustainability data

  • External auditors request for the provenance and change log for your ESG & sustainability data
  • External auditors request for evidence for the metrics
  • Consultants and Law firms might need to approve the ESG & sustainability information
  • The sustainability team requires to view and sometimes send back the ESG data for re-work

Department’s Experience

Your site/Departments’ experience with collecting & sharing ESG & sustainability data

  • They likely have no tools to capture Scope 1, 2, and 15 categories of Scope 3 GHG information or tools to aggregate energy consumption data from their utilities
  • Collecting data from hundreds of facilities, locations, warehouses, and buildings is challenging
  • Collecting & synthesizing data from a range of data systems, such as ERP, HR, Supply chain systems, etc., is a headache for the sites & facilities

The Solution – pulsESG!

pulsESG™ is The Enterprise Sustainability Platform, purpose-built from the ground up for companies to manage their ESG & Sustainability Performance.

A streamlined SAAS application for all your ESG & sustainability needs AND your sites/departments’ ESG & sustainability needs!

  • pulsESG helps you create ESG & sustainability Catalogs – these are repositories of Topics and Metrics
  • Supports standards-based catalogs – SASB, GRI, CDP, DJSI, MSCI, TCFD, CSDR and more!
  • Allows creation of custom metrics and topics to support your business
  • Allows for vertical-specific metrics
  • Provides full audit trails for each metric, system, or human
  • Allows for evidence to be attached to each metric
  • Organizes data into multiple periods, months, quarters, or years

Your subsidiaries (sites/departments) are empowered to respond with accurate data!

  • Each subsidiary gets a login to its own environment. They manage their own ESG catalogs and respond to you!
  • Validation errors are captured
  • Required metrics are marked
  • Explanations, and evidence can be entered
  • Full access to GHG calculators – Scopes 1, 2, and 3 are provided
  • Integrate to back end systems such as ERP, HR, and Supply Chain systems to aggregate information for their ESG catalogs
  • Workflow across their facilities and departments and monitor their progress using sophisticated analytics!

Easy, and simple ESG data collection from subsidiaries

  • You create Data Requests – for your annual, quarterly, and monthly data collection – these are subsets of metrics to be collected from your subsidiaries
  • If auditors are involved, they can review information in your catalogs
  • You can review the subsidiary’s response and ask for rework- all through the platform

Data Destinations are a single click!

  • Production of ESG & sustainability reports is a 1 click exercise!
  • Report to CDP, DJSI, MSCI, and Rating Providers with a single click
  • Custom reports for your investors
    Performance Extracts, Due Diligence Extracts – one click!

Goals and progress management

  • Set Goals, Multi-Year Goals attached to metrics
  • Monitor progress using sophisticated analytics

Sophisticated yet easy analytics

  • Sophisticated and valuable insights into your ESG & sustainability data – across periods, business verticals, geographies – much much more
  • No extracts necessary – dynamically refreshable dashboards – all embedded within the platform!

pulsESG Success Story for an Operating Company