The Leading Enterprise Sustainability Platform for Operating Companies

ESG and Sustainability platform for entire value chain, including facilities, locations and suppliers.

ESG & Sustainability Business Challenges

Operating companies need to report ESG & sustainability data to share with their various stakeholders, which comes with a range of challenges.

Inaccurate and Tardy Analytics

Annual ESG & Sustainability reports, frameworks like GRI, SASB, regulatory reports like SFDR/PAI, SEC, responding to LPs (ILPA), Aggregation for GHG (PCAF)

  • Accuracy of ESG & sustainability data is critical
  • Manual and error prone report production
  • Challenging site/facility for metrics

Data Collection

Data Collection from PortCos is usually a manual and messy exercise with “Maniac Spreadsheets”

  • Limited control over site data
  • Varied response formats/units
  • 1000s of sites and locations
  • Site tools – GHG Calculators
  • Responses can be empty or inaccurate

Evolving ESG & Sustainability

If you are starting out, first, you must figure out what metrics you must capture across your portfolio

  • Changing Questions, surveys & regulations each year

  • Challenging to get insights from historical data

  • Constant changes to org hierarchies


Auditors need to provide assurance on your ESG & sustainability data

  • Changing regulations require new questions
  • Consultants or Attorneys review data
  • Re-work required from sites

Site Experience

Your Portcos’ experience responding to requests:

  • Site tools for GHG
  • Unable to collect from local ERP, HR, SCM data 1000s of locations and facilities

The Solution – Pulsora!

Pulsora™ is the Enterprise Sustainability Platform, purpose-built from the ground up for companies to manage their ESG & sustainability performance.

ONE simple SAAS application for HQ AND Sites

  • PULSORA Catalogs for Sustainability metrics
  • Standards based – SASB, GRI, CDP, DJSI, SFDR, TCFD and more
  • Simply create custom metrics, e.g., waste data
  • Supports all your industry and vertical-specific metrics
  • Full audit trail for each metric update system or human
  • Upload supporting evidence for each metric
  • Manage all metrics by periods – months, quarters, or years

Easy ESG data collection from Sites

  • Data Requests for annual, quarterly etc data collection
  • Internal or External auditors
  • Revision workflow loops

One click Data Destinations

  • Publish sustainability or regulatory reports
  • CSRD, ESRS, DJSI, MSCI reports with a one click
  • Due diligence or performance extracts

Powerful and easy analytics

  • Powerful insights into your sustainability data
  • Periods,sites, departments, benchmarks … more
  • Dynamic embedded dashboards – No Exports!

Goals management

  • Set up SMART goals
  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound
  • Set and track multi-year Goals linked to specific metrics
  • Monitor progress using analytics!

Pulsora Success Story for an Operating Company