Private Capital Markets

ESG & Sustainability Business Challenges

Private equity, venture capital, and investment firms need to produce accurate and timely annual ESG & sustainability reports and analytics for their funds, which comes with various challenges.

Inaccurate and Time Consuming Reports

Annual ESG & Sustainability reports, frameworks like GRI, SASB, regulatory reports like SFDR/PAI, SEC, responding to LPs (ILPA), Aggregation for GHG (PCAF)

  • For impact funds accuracy of ESG & sustainability information is critical to the success
  • Report production manual, expensive and with a lot of human errors
  • Aggregation of ESG & sustainability metrics from PortCo to fund level is a challenge

Data Collection

Data Collection from PortCos is usually a manual and messy exercise with “Maniac Spreadsheets”

  • Metrics for each PortCo can vary based on their industry verticals
  • Most PortCos might not have the tools to respond to requests, especially GHG emissions
  • Response data is mostly empty or inaccurate, with wild variations

Evolving ESG & Sustainability

If you are starting out, first, you must figure out what metrics you must capture across your portfolio

  • Questions, surveys, and regulations are changing from year to year
  • Gathering insights from data comparison over the years is challenging
  • With changing fund composition rolling up data across a fund accurately at all times is a cumbersome task


Auditors need to provide assurance on your ESG & sustainability data

  • External auditors request for the provenance and audit logs
  • Auditors also require evidence for relevant metrics
  • For EU taxonomy, specialists may be involved in curating questions
  • Consultants or lawyers might review/approve sustainability data from PortCos

Portco Experience

Your Portcos experience responding to requests

  • No tools to capture GHG Scope 1, 2, and Scope 3  data
  • Unable to collect & synthesize data from systems like ERP, HR, SCM
  • Challenging collecting data from 100s of offices and facilities
  • All this needs to happen before they respond to your ESG Survey!

The Solution – pulsESG!

pulsESG™ is the Enterprise Sustainability Platform, purpose-built from the ground up for companies to manage their ESG & sustainability performance.

A streamlined SAAS application for all your ESG & sustainability needs AND your portfolio company's ESG & sustainability needs!

  • pulsESG Catalogs are your repository of ESG & sustainability metrics
  • Standards based – SASB, GRI, CDP, DJSI, SFDR, TCFD and more!
  • Easily create all your business-specific custom metrics, e.g., waste data
  • Supports all your industry and vertical-specific, metrics
  • Full audit trail for each metric update system or human
  • Upload supporting evidence for each metric update
  • Manage all metrics by periods – months, quarters, or years

Easy, and simple ESG data collection from PortCos

  • Create Data Requests – for your annual, quarterly, monthly data collection
  • Do full collection or for subsets of metrics from your firms
  • Internal or external auditors can review all the information
  • Review the PortCos response and ask for revisions if needed
  • Identify validation errors and help capture high quality data
  • 1:1 correlation with the ‘Data Collection’ need & challenge

Your PortCos are empowered to respond with accurate data!

  • Each PortCo gets its own environment and can manage its own ESG catalogs and respond to you!
  • Provide data, clearly identify where data is not available and provide an explanation
  • Full access to GHG Scope 1, 2, and 3 calculators
  • Integrate to back-end systems such as ERP, HR, and SCM
  • Workflow across their facilities and departments
  • Monitor progress and gain insights using powerful analytics!

Data Destinations are a single click!

  • pulsESG connects to your fund management system and gets fund PortCo composition
  • Publish sustainability or regulatory reports with a single click!
  • Create LP reports such ILPA or custom
  • SFDR PAI reports with a single click that includes all aggregation
  • Performance extracts, Due Diligence extracts – one click!

Powerful yet easy to use analytics

  • Powerful and valuable insights into your ESG data – across periods, funds, PortCos, benchmarks … and much much more
  • No extracts necessary – dynamic dashboard – embedded within the platform!

Goals and progress management

  • Set up SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals
  • Set and track multi-year Goals linked to specific metrics
  • Monitor progress using analytics!

Successful pulsESG Implementation in the Private Equity Market