Annual ESG Performance Diagnostics

TPG ESG Overview


Thank you for your participation in TPG’s Annual ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance Survey. As you may know, we conduct this Diagnostic survey annually across all TPG portfolio companies to understand key issues and, wherever possible, identify value-creation opportunities.
This year, TPG has partnered with pulsESG to facilitate the collection and analysis of our portfolio’s ESG data. pulsESG is an integrated and flexible SaaS platform built to support organizations’ ESG needs and efforts to consolidate, report, and derive insight from their ESG footprint.

TPG Annual ESG Survey

TPG’s Annual ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance Diagnostic is focused on understanding, managing, and improving the financially material ESG factors of each company within TPG’s portfolio. These factors have been selected based on their correlation with financial performance, as revealed by extensive research.

Completing this questionnaire will provide a structured perspective of your company’s ESG performance to:

    1. assist you in gauging your company’s performance on material ESG factors over the previous calendar year,
    2. gain perspective regarding progress in performance, including benchmarking against peers and the broader TPG portfolio, and
    3. enable structured recommendations for targeted engagement on ESG initiatives to drive value within your company.

The survey contains a combination of quantitative and qualitative questions, all of which were developed in alignment with TPG’s “SASB+” ESG Performance assessment framework and are organized into the following topics:

    1. Background Information
    2. ESG Performance Management
    3. Resource Management
    4. Climate Change
    5. Social Capital / Human Capital
    6. Disclosure & Stakeholder Engagement
    7. Industry-specific Metrics

The content within this survey is focused on understanding, managing, and improving the financially material ESG factors of each company within TPG’s portfolio. These factors have been selected based on their correlation with financial performance, as revealed by extensive research.We are focused on what matters & what will drive performance.

Questions in Sections A-F cover ESG factors considered to be material for all sectors and industries, and questions in Section G are specific to your company’s industry. This diagnostic is one of many tools TPG leverages to manage risk and monitor performance across our investment portfolio. We have designed it to be supplementary (not duplicative) to other TPG data collection efforts that target ESG-related factors(e.g., periodic Legal/Compliance questionnaires that touch on Anti-Corruption and Bribery).

Upon completion of the survey, our team will review your responses and may reach out to offer a discussion on our findings. Our team is available to support you in assessment of your survey data, peer benchmarking and best practice sharing, and other ESG strategy and initiative guidance. In the survey, you will be asked how our team can be helpful to you, and you are welcome to reach out to us at any time. 

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful contribution to this effort. Please reach out to Ronica Jithendranath ( and Morgan Mills ( with any questions related to survey content. The pulsESG team is also available to provide technical support and can be reached at any time within the platform, via the icon found on the bottom right-hand side of the home page.  They can also be reached via email at, or by phone at +1(415)727-9400  for any urgent queries.

The pulsESG phone support hours are 8 AM to 8 PM CST, Monday – Friday excluding US holidays.

TPG ESG Performance Diagnostic Training

TPG has partnered with pulsESG to create an integrated and centralized ESG data collection and management process for its portfolio companies. The training modules and the FAQs seen here are complementary to the pulsESG training workshop and are intended to support your organization in the process of responding to TPG’s request for information about your ESG practices.

Collect ESG Data

Catalogs act as repositories for your ESG data, including the data that other organizations, including TPG, have asked you to report.

Respond to TPG for requested Data

Use tasks to respond to TPG’s data requests, along with responding to tasks for ESG data collection within the company.

Tasks help you to keep track of data requests and their key details, such as due dates and instructions. When you assign questions in a data request to colleagues within your organization to help complete a data request, they will receive a dedicated task corresponding to your assignment.

Calculate GHG Emissions

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Gain Insights from ESG data

Use Analytics to visualize your ESG performance through various infographics. Use the analytics to inform your ESG performance management.

Manage ESG compliance & performance

If you are interested, you may also work with the pulsESG team directly to use the platform to manage your own data collection and reporting needs. The platform is ready for compliance disclosures such as SASB, CDP, & DJSI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most asked questions about pulsESG

How can I access TPG's ESG data requests?
You can access TPG’s ESG data requests through the link in the email you received notifying you of the request, or by logging into the platform and viewing the tasks to be completed.
How can the pulsESG platform support me in collecting data from various sources?
  • You can enter the data yourself in the catalog manually, or collect data from other sources in one of the three following ways: 
    • From coworkers:
      • Assign specific metrics to users within your organization. 
    • From data sources:
      • The pulsESG team can work with you to integrate your existing data sources such as HRIS, carbon management systems, utility systems, etc. to directly pool data into the catalog. Please reach out to the pulsESG team to facilitate this. This is NOT a requirement to complete TPG’s surveys and may not be executed within the timeframe allotted to complete them. 

From calculators: TBD later this week

What are the steps to complete the data request task from TPG?
  • To complete a data request task, follow the steps below:
    • Access the task through the link in your email, or through the tasks section of the pulsESG platform
    • Review the instructions on the task
    • Click on the catalog link provided in the task’s page
    • Enter data for the metrics in your catalog
    • Publish your data destination from the catalog
  • For a detailed overview of the steps to complete a data request task, refer to the Data Request Task article and the accompanying video.
How can I track changes in the data made by others from my organization?
  • You can view the audit log for any metric in your catalog to review the changes to the metric data. The audit log provides information on the history of data changes, along with the data of change and the user who made the change. 
  • You can also track all evidence supporting the data for each metric.
How can I add comments on certain data provided to my coworkers or to TPG?
You can use the comment feature in the catalog to communicate regarding any specific metric within your organization and with TPG. Please see the guidance on using the comments feature under the Review Data section of the Catalog article for more information.
How can I reach out to pulsESG if I have a question about the platform?

You can reach out to the pulsESG team using the Intercom feature on the Home page of the platform, or use one of the two ways:
via email at
by phone at +1(415)727-9400 for any urgent queries. The pulsESG phone support hours are 8 AM to 8 PM CST, Monday – Friday excluding US holidays.

Recorded Training

Access the recordings of the onboarding webinars.

Training Modules


Tasks allow you to track work throughout the lifecycle of a request or assignment to complete them more efficiently.
As a portfolio company of TPG, you will interact with the following tasks:

  • Data Request: Respond to an external request for data
  • Metric Assignment Request: Respond to a specific internal request for data
  • Data Request Review: Respond to requested revisions from TPG/K&E

You will receive data request tasks from TPG to respond to their ESG information requests.

You can access your latest tasks from the home page.

You can also access all of your tasks from the tasks page.

Access the tasks page from the left-hand side menu or by clicking “View All” in the tasks section of the home page.

A task’s details include the sender, assignee, reporting period, due date, and instructions provided by the sender for the relevant request.

Data Request Task
Data requests are sent by external organizations; in this instance, TPG has sent you a data request with metrics corresponding to their annual ESG diagnostic and the PASI questionnaire required under the SFDR.

To complete this task, use the catalog link in the task to provide the external organization with the data requested by them.

Steps to complete a data request task:

  • Access the task from the home page, tasks page, or your task email notification
  • Review details of the task along with any provided task instructions
  • Click on the catalog link in step 1 to update the requested metrics
  • Edit data in the catalog
  • Publish the data from within the catalog page
Metric Assignment Task
Metric Assignment task is a way to collect data from coworkers who are better suited to respond to certain metrics.

If you have a Metric Assignment task, someone from your organization has requested data from you on specific metrics.

Steps to complete a Metric Assignment task:

  • Access the task from the home page, tasks page, or your task email notification
  • Review details of the task along with any provided task instructions
  • Expand the topics to see the metrics that have been assigned to you
  • Click on the pencil icon next to the metric name
  • This opens up the right side panel similar to that in the catalog
  • Enter the data by clicking under the data field, add any explanation under the explanation field if needed
  • You can also attach evidence files supporting the metrics using the evidence upload option
  • Once you have entered the information, click on the ‘submit’ button at top of the task screen to complete the task


A catalog is a set of metrics relevant to your company, categorized into different topics as relevant. Catalogs can be created using standard reporting frameworks or custom metrics.

Within a catalog, you can view, edit, and assign metrics to people within your organization. If other organizations report data to you, you can also see their data from within the catalog view.

With TPG’s data requests, a new catalog is pre-populated with the metrics requested by TPG. You can use the catalog to add and edit the requested data, request other members of your team to provide data on specific metrics and communicate within your team and with TPG on specific metrics. You can also view and download data for different reporting periods and publish the data back to TPG.

You can access your catalog(s) from the home page or the side menu.

Expand all the topics at once to see all your ESG metrics, or expand one topic at a time to see metrics within the selected topic.

Collect Data

There are three different ways you can collect data in your catalog:

  • Directly on the platform
  • Offline in a CSV file and then upload to the platform
Manually enter data on the platform

Click on any metric to open the right-side panel. The panel allows you to enter the required data and shows additional metric details, including any instructions, the relevant dropdown selections, the required unit, etc.

Add the data for the metric and any explanation or evidence files you’d like to share with TPG.

If you do not have access to data while responding to TPG’s request, select ‘Data not available’, and add an explanation regarding the response.

Manually enter data offline and upload it to the platform
You can also choose to work on your data offline and upload a CSV file to populate the catalog at once. To do so, follow the steps below:


Assign metric internally

If there is another member of your organization better suited to respond to a specific set of metrics, you can assign those metrics to the specific user. The steps to assign a metric internally within an organization are as follows:

Connect external data sources directly to your catalog

The pulsESG team can work with you to integrate your existing data sources, such as HRIS, carbon management systems, utility systems, etc., to directly pool data into the catalog. Please reach out to the pulsESG team to facilitate this. This is NOT a requirement to complete TPG’s surveys and may not be executed within the timeframe allotted to complete them.

Review Data
View your data

You can review the data in your catalog at any time. The chips at the top of the catalog provide a summary of the data, identifying the number of metrics currently in various categories:

  • Completed: indicates the no. of metrics that currently have data
  • Required: indicates the no. of metrics are required by TPG to complete them and publish the data request
  • Unanswered: indicates the no. of metrics that have not yet been answered
  • Data Not Available: indicates the no. of metrics for which the ‘Data not available’ option is selected
  • Metric Validation Errors: indicates the no. of metrics that have validation errors as set by TPG. Clicking on the chip further provides details on metrics with a different type of errors.

Clicking on any of these chips will filter the catalog with metrics from the respective category.

You can use this to filter the catalog with metrics that are unanswered to focus on responding to the questions or filter the ‘completed’ metrics to review your responses so far.

Use the ‘clear’ option, or click on the filtered chip again to clear the filter and see your complete catalog.

You can check the audit trail of any metric to see all the changes made to the data for the metric.

Communicate internally regarding specific metrics using Comments

You can use the Comments feature in the Catalog to have a discussion around specific metric.

To communicate internally without your organization

  • Please click on the comment icon for the metric of interest
  • This opens a right side panel for comments
  • Under the Internal comments tab, you’ll see any previous comments made by the members of your organization on the metric.
  • Add a subject and text for the comment and hit submit. Now this comments will be visible to all the members within your organization who have access to the platform.

To communicate with the organization requesting information from you,

  • Filter the catalog for the specific data destination for which the data was requested by TPG. The filters are available on the right of the catalog screen toolbar.
  • Adding comments under the External tab send it to the TPG team, who can respond back with any followup in the same thread.
Record you data
You can download the data from your catalog at any point of time by using the download options available at the right of your catalog screen on the toolbar.

The platform creates a formatted metric report for you which you can download from the Download Report icon on the top right of the catalog screen. You can also download the data in a CSV, and download all of your evidence files in a zip folder.


GHG calculators allow you to easily calculate Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions.

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Analytics synthesizes the data stored in pulsESG into meaningful visualizations that help drive strategic decisions about your ESG performance management.
View the video to watch a walkthrough of analytics on the pulsESG platform, or read the article below for an in-depth understanding of how to use analytics.

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